Reward program coming soon!
We’re a market research panel for Insight 84 members. When you join, you’ll participate in online surveys and receive points in exchange for your time. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship: we get to hear what you think, and you get a free and easy way of earning your next reward.
In simple terms, market research is a method for businesses and local stakeholders to gather your feedback. We conduct online surveys, and ask your opinion about their service, products and marketing efforts. This way, businesses are able to gather valuable customer feedback and you can have an influence on the future of the brands you enjoy. Your input matters.
Once you're signed up, you'll start receiving emails inviting you to take surveys. Once you sign in, you'll be able to view your Dashboard, which will show all available surveys with a brief introduction to their topics, length, and information about the amount of Insight points that will be awarded upon completion. Please remember that participation is entirely voluntary and you are free to complete as many or as few surveys as you like. The more surveys you take, the more points you can earn!
Answer questions, earn Insight points. Once you’ve received your invitation email and log in, you’ll be able to start the survey right away, or save it for later. Typically, you’ll be asked for some personal details first. Insight 84 does not share this information with anyone and we encourage you to complete every question you see. The more you answer, the better we can tailor your experience.
Each survey will vary by length and ordinarily, the longer the survey, the more points are available. Only when you have fully answered all questions will you receive the amount of Insight points quoted in your survey invitation. These points will then be credited to your Insight account within 30 minutes.
Sometimes businesses and local stakeholders only require a limited set of survey responses. They may only wish to speak to individuals in a particular profession or only want respondents who’ve used a certain product or service. If you are not part of the target group, or they have already received the desired number of responses, your survey will end. You’ll see an error message and return to the Dashboard.